RetirementView Software – Professional Edition
Visual Income Planning
your Clients can Understand !
Quit plopping paper on your clients and start having real conversations that make you their hero…
Click here to watch the video introduction!
Help your Clients SEE their retirement. They will LOVE this and thus love you. Increase Efficiency. Save Time. Save Paper. Boost your Business. Get More Referrals.
Quit confusing your clients. Quit confusing yourself! Quit wasting time on complicated reports. Quit printing and storing 80, 100, 150 page financial plans. If you are sick of that approach, then our software is for you.
This Quick, Simple, and Visual retirement income planning software can be used to create colorful illustrations that captivate your clients, build rapport, and enhance your sales efforts. Advisors and agents are using this to sell Annuities, Wealth Management, Life Insurance, LTCi, Annuities, Indexed Universal Life, Rollovers, 401k plans, Reverse Mortgages, Disability, or any other related financial product.
Great for financial advisors, brokers, professionals, insurance agents, CPAs, attorneys, HR personnel and anyone else who wants to quickly and easily show clients, employees, plan participants, or potential clients their projected retirement income picture. Breaks the ice with new clients. Great for participant meetings, enrollment meetings, or quarterly client meetings. Great for one-on-one laptop meetings.
Price: $899 annually (for One Advisor; Office Paks available)
Your License Subscription includes:
- creation of unlimited number of client plans
- all updates and enhancements for one year
- free priority technical support via email or phone
- advanced tools not available in consumer versions
- advisor branding
- custom compliance disclaimers you can edit yourself
“I’ve tried four other retirement planning programs, including one from a major broker, and this is the easiest to use, gives the most accurate results, and has the best graphs and charts. I’m very pleased and I highly recommend it.”
– Richard Johns
Quick. Simple. Visual. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
Advisors, Agents, and Planners use our RetirementView software because it is hands down the easiest and simplest to use piece of retirement projection software available today. In 10-15 minutes you are showing your clients meaningful and accurate estimates of their future retirement picture….it’s Colorful and Visual and Instantaneous. It’s invaluable in “breaking the ice” and enlightening them as to how much MORE they need to be doing to meet their retirement lifestyle goals. It acts like “truth serum” as they tell you about those accounts that they were holding back.
“I doubled my closing ratio!” Hear his full testimonial
– Alan Cantrell, Advisor in Fayetteville, Arkansas
“My clients love the graphic elements – easy to understand – no smoke and mirrors! I let them input their own numbers in an interview so they feel like they ownthe process. Works VERY well. I believe it is the very best visual retirement planning tool on the market. I will highly endorse your product with my peers.”
– David B. Cole, Financial Advisor
“Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may not remember, involve me and I will understand.”
– Ancient Chinese Proverb
This system is designed to help you “involve” your client in the process as opposed to the “tell and sell” methods of the past.
Call Sales at 888.333.5095 Or Click Here to Purchase!
Using our software, you will be able to:
* Reduce your headaches from over-complicated software.
* Spend less time on fact finders and software “plans”.
* Establish credibility in less than 10 minutes.
* Become tremendously more productive in less time.
* Improve client communications while talking less.
* Get Clients to “reveal” more assets as the software acts as a “truth serum”.
* Visually show clients whether they will “run out of money”.
* Gain client commitment to your recommendations.
* Increase “trust” as the software acts as the independent 3rd party “expert” opinion.
* Learn how to use this program in only 30 minutes – Guaranteed!
Links to More Information:
* Note to B/Ds:Falls under the exception to NASD Rule 2210.
* read numerous User Testimonials.
* see a screenshot of the Savings Graph.
* see a screenshot of the Income Graph- “a visual retirement income picture”
* see a screenshot of the Spreadsheet.
* download and install Free Trial Demo version.
* view a sample printed output report
* download our PDF product sheet
Our software program is:
– Affordable
– Easy to Use
– Easy for you to Understand
– Easy for your client to Understand
– Easy to Learn
– Does NOT require hours to create a plan
– Takes only a few minutes to create a plan
– Can be used as a sales tool
– Does NOT require a training class to learn how to use it
– Does NOT print reports longer than 10 pages.
“Other programs” are:
– Expensive
– Hard to Use
– Hard for you to Understand
– Hard for your client to Understand
– Hard to Learn
– Requires hours to create a plan
– Cannot be used as a sales tool
– Requires a training class to learn how to use it
– Prints out massive reports requiring reams of paper that confuse the clients and require a lot of storage space.
– turns clients OFF to both you as an advisor and you as a person as you confuse them and waste their time.
THERE IS A BETTER WAY – RetirementView – Professional Edition Software
“This tool has been a life saver for me…I’ve certainly expanded my business exponentially in the last 3 years since I’ve been using this software”…
Listen to William Sheehy, LPL Advisor
Life Insurance Selling Magazine:
“It’s [RetirementView] more than instructive — it’s brilliant — for the advisor and the customer to be able to see outcomes, and to change them dramatically with a keystroke or two. The process takes “what if” calculations from the sublime and complicated to a ridiculously easy visual “picture”.
– Richard Hoe
“RetirementView has a number of appealing features. First and foremost is ease of use. Most data entry takes place on two screens, yet with a few additional mouse clicks, you can add numerous refinements to the plan. The graph updates as you work on the main screen, which I like.”
– Joel Bruckenstein
“I love the program and it works great with clients. I’ll go further to say that I’ve been in business for 14 years. I’ve looked for a long time for a QUICK, EASY, and “USER-FRIENDLY” program which clients can understand. Very few of my clients want huge financial plans with 100 pages of “boiler plate” which often answers questions that the clients don’t even have!! What most of them want now is a simple program to answer the questions of “What do I really have in retirement?” and “Do I have enough?”. I use [RetirementView] right in front of the client, orient him/her to the visuals, and go through the “What Ifs” such as higher inflation, lower returns, retiring later, etc. Clients LOVE it!… and it gives instant credibility to the broker. Thanks for a GREAT program!!”
Allen C. (Al) McLellan
“Since I have purchased the Retirement Planner I have come to regard it as the most important software on my computer. Each new person that I talk to, I ask if they would like to see a snapshot of their retirement picture. It only takes 15 or 20 minutes and once the basics are completed we can play “what if ?” and get immediate feedback in graphic format. It helps me to create credible relationships in a much shorter time frame and leads to potential sales in many areas. Insurance, Long Term Care and investments. I expect that it will also be a great tool for long term relationships as we meet at future times and review the results of our decisions by comparing the picture before and what it is at the future time”.
– Mark A. Umek, Career Agent
“The RetirementView software from Torrid Technologies has been the most exciting innovation we’ve come across in a long time.It has generated a lot of excitement and energy since we discovered it (thanks to you!) in May or June of this year. We just completed a very strong September of issued business and a good portion of that business was generated using the Retirement Savings Planner software.
We have developed and are using a flyer as a mailer and prospecting too. We are in the process of developing a seminar and complete marketing program based on the software. We now introduce the software to every new agent as their first useful prospecting tool.
The success stories we have been hearing range from much easier life insurance and long term care insurance sales to all types of retirement planning sales. I am thrilled that you will be able to be a presenter at NEC so that the entire field force of OneAmerica, including the Home Office and field force of the Retirement Services division, will have a chance to see the software up close and grasp its power.”
– David D. Braun, ChFC, CLU, CSA, LUTCF
“We now highly recommend the software to every new Career Agent we hire and have found the new Career Agents to be very enthusiastic about it. They find it extremely easy to learn and use.”
– Ronald G. Gill, CSA
General Agent
American Financial of California
“I like the RetirementView software very much and use it frequently. Recently I sat down with a woman in a rush situation – I really only had a few minutes to spend with her. In 5 minutes we quickly inputted her information and showed a shortage and inadequate retirement funds, and I closed a Roth IRA right on the spot.”
– Martin O. McCann IV, LUTCF, CSA
Financial Advisor, Career Agent
“I met with a couple in their 30’s who planned to keep the wife’s $100,000 life insurance as it was with no additional coverage. They came in because they thought it would be best to increase the husband’s coverage from $200,000 to $400,000. After putting their numbers into the Retirement Savings Planner and using the Life Insurance Needs tool, they decided that indeed they were underinsured. We wrote an additional $400,000 on the wife and $1.5 million on the husband. There is no doubt in my mind that I would have never been able to do that without the Retirement SavingsPlanner.
Clients like being part of the planning. Looking at different options is quite fast and easy for the client to understand. A couple that was 4 years from retirement was especially excited to throw different “what-ifs” at me to input and to see the results. It was very easy to understand yet vivid; it definitely got their attention.”
– Another Career Agent
I have been very impressed with how the objection of LTCi premium being too expensive never comes up when I show what happens to retirement funds when a long term care event is illustrated. I show the difference between cost of the event and the premium for LTCi. If the wife is present, I get the go ahead to present a LTCi quote.
– Lance Nystrem, CSA
Click here to see More Financial Advisor and Agent Testimonials
Please tell a Friend or Colleague
We rely on “word of mouth” advertising to spread the word about oursoftware. If you like our software, then please tell your friends, co-workers,colleagues, and neighbors about our software. If you are a financial advisor,tell your broker/dealer or insurance company or wholesalers about the program. Use this web form to tell a friend:
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