The Ins And Outs of Boring Business Meetings

Meetings have become so systemic in the workplace that a host of names have arisen to describe the frequent

Boring Business Meetinggatherings. Here are some steps to increase your meetings effectiveness. Whether you call them a stand-up or huddle, a meeting’s success depends on how they are styled.

  • Keep meeting lengths to no more than an hour. Think of it in terms of how much per/hour the employees are being paid. Sitting through meetings that last more than an hour is a costly venture for the company.
  • Limit the number of attendees. Michael Mankins of Bain & Co. told The Wall Street Journal that “for every additional meeting participant over seven, the likelihood of making a sound decision goes down by 10 percent.”
  • Often, too many people chiming in at meetings can overwhelm the topic at hand. Also, you run the risk of too many people drowning out each other with their points. Small groups can foster more interaction, and more results
  • Ensure the meeting includes a group of employees whose projects and departments are being affected by the subject, says Mankins.
  • Have a prepared agenda. This may be a no-brainer, but Mankins says many meeting holders try to wing it. Prepared agendas help you keep your meetings short and effective. Follow-up with the meeting’s minutes, and assign tasks to complete any project goals.
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